Welcome and thanks for visiting BoutiQi Bags!
We are a safe and friendly online store for authentic luxury goods, dedicated to going above and beyond to provide you with outstanding service. The only worry you may have here is which bag to choose from for your collection.
BoutiQi Bags offers a stress-free, safe and friendly online shopping experience, where you can find—at an affordable price—items that are often hard to get hold of and, in most cases, those that are no longer with retailers. All items can be purchased from us from the comfort of your own home, and are packaged to a high standard, beautifully wrapped and delivered to you as though they were obtained straight from the store. Huge savings can be made against retail prices, which altogether means a bigger bag collection. Ladies, what more could you ask for?
Like many of you, I am a huge fan of many designer brands, my all-time favourite being Chanel. Items from my personal collection were bought from retail stores and from the pre-loved market, but the majority have been purchased from online sellers. Retail stores themselves do not often stock items that you may want, with the most desirable ones being quickly sold out and no longer available for purchase. The trouble with buying items online is that I found it hard to find sellers who were 100% honest and who I could trust completely; for this reason, I decided to create BoutiQi Bags and ultimately help others like myself.
For me, this is not just a ‘job’; it is something I am passionate about and love doing.
I could (and often do) spend every minute chatting with people about bags!